Apple Google users through push notifications 2024 U.S. With Goverment

World of technology, Apple Google users through push notifications it affects us more than we would want it to did you know that the constant alerts that you get on your phones might be leading to a privacy nightmare.

The notifications you receive from Tech platforms have been helping governments keep an eye on what you’ve been doing on your apps there are big privacy concerns for Google and Apple users.

As governments might have been spying on them through Apple Google users through push notifications notifications according to us Senator Ron weiden both foreign and US Govt.

Apple and Google for data related to Notifications to keep Apple Google users through push notifications tabs on smartphone users the government can use the information for tasks like tracing like tracking.

What is push notification how it works?

Anonymous users of messaging apps on in the specific Apple or Google accounts so how do the companies get your data just through notifications alerts Push Notification.

Apple Google users through push notifications
What is push notification how it works?

That you get on your phone such as a text message or it could be a f a message from a friend or a notification telling you your fav favorite football team.

Which just won a game these are the kind of random Push notifications that one gets well these go through Google and apple servers. This gives these companies a special view of app governments watch how people have been

using specific apps Apple responded to the update saying Apple Google users through push notifications That any information now that this method has these kinds of requests that’s a quote unquote from the Apple house Apple added.

Are push notifications safe?

Yes, not a bad idea, push notifications safe That they’ll share more details about how governments have checked push notifications now that Senator weiden Senator weiden has also asked the US Department of Justice.

Apple Google users through push notifications
Are push notifications safe?

To change any rules limiting talk about this kind of spying on users all right to further understand this we are now being joined by Adrien Moss. He’s a tech journalist and and broadcaster welcome on board Adrian hi good to be here it’s always a pleasure to speak with you I wanted to just pick your brain.

On this one can you explain to us or just walk our viewers through Apple Google users through push notifications just how governments are snooping on users through these push notifications.

We gave a glimpse of that in the report would like to hear from you yeah well it it’s very sparse on details this is the uh info we’re getting from whistleblower but and and even the app developers.

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How does Apple push notification work?

Push Notification work on a I phone IOS Really don’t know uh exactly how this data is being used um we can infer what’s going on and and the sort of information you can get from it.

Apple Google users through push notifications
How does Apple push notification work?

We’d expect that it will include um that’s at  iOS device users must use in push notification least the sort of information useful to government who’s talking to who so instant messaging apps.

 Will often pop up some of them are endtoend encrypted Apple Google users through push notificationswhat we don’t know is whether the as well so the data flowing through those servers.

May be a way around the encryption or it may not be it’ll Apple Google users through push notifications vary from app to app um and it tells you what apps they’re using of course.

What is the power of push notifications?

Which allows Push notifications is offer the ability to communicate with their audiences in real time and must used as. um surveillance organizations like the NSA and National Security Agency in the states to then have more targeted uh collection of data so as well as.

Apple Google users through push notifications
What is the power of push notifications?

Who they’re talking to what they’re using and Push Notification iOS just the the day-to-day little things like you know your parking has expired um that tells you.

Where somebody is um you know that there’s our World goes through the phone so it’s it’s a colossal amount of information on top of the already colossal amount of information.

That our phones give away anyway through emails and shared address books and the pictures uploaded to the cloud and the constant supply of location data.

What are the 3 types of notifications?

All the other bits and pieces but even when people switch that off they probably forget about the uh the notifications Mr M I just want to take your opinion.

3 Types Push Notification:

  • high Push Notification
  • medium Push Notification
  • low attention

On this one now they’ve specifically mentioned Google Google and Apple users now if you look at the smartphone market in particular that’s pretty much the entire Market.

Apple Google users through push notifications
What are the 3 types of notifications?

Out there as of today at least so is there any way of evading this if the government has an access to their servers and all the notifications are also registered, Apple Google users through push notifications

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Does Apple allow push notifications?

Apple allow push notifications? PWAs for years, On their servers then is there any way out of it for a there are there are some opsource um versions of Android which Apple allow Push Notification de goog ify your phone um it’s a slightly sort of techy process to install.

Them and it’s a very limited range of phones you can put them on Google pixel phones and it’s quite a good way to keep a receive security updates.

Apple Google users through push notifications Going beyond what would otherwise be the end of its life so Apple Google users through push notifications

Where somebody is um you know that there’s our World goes through the phone so it’s it’s a colossal amount of information on top of the already.

Colossal amount of information. there are ways to do it but um in terms of not you can switch notifications off. Apple Google users through push notifications.

On your phone for every app both on Apple and Google ones that doesn’t switch off all the other supply of information so you can lock down.

What is Google push notification? Apple Google users through push notifications

Where somebody is um you know that there’s our World goes through the phone so it’s it’s a colossal amount of information on top of the already colossal amount of information.

All sorts of things you can not share your location Push Notification Google Android Device Allow but of course it’s still telling the mobile phone network which MK you’re using.

Apple Google users through push notifications
What is Google push notification?

Which gives a pretty good steer to where you are Push Notification anyway um so you can lock down lots of privacy features on your phone but in in reality.

It’ll only reduce the flow of information it certainly won’t stop it because Apple Google users through push notifications your phone is it as a phone Mr M just a quick one last question.

 I want to get your opinion on this now for a lay person who’s using an Apple device or a Google device is there anything that you’d recommend to change in your settings.

Do push notifications use data?

Yes, Push Notification data data? Anything else that one can do to just kind of Ensure a better guard on one’s privacy well I certainly wouldn’t share um my address book. With social there a lot of people who want to get it I would consider using uh thirdparty browsers um like uh like Firefox.

Which have breta privacy guards data use in the push notification and block cookies and privacy tracking technology that’s more will that will more protect you from people trying to throw sort of customized advertisers at advertising.

At you and build up quite detailed profiles about you less from government Apple Google users through push notifications um you you you can you know uh it there’s lots of privacy settings.

You can dig down into um to do but uh it it’s it’s really it’s really quite Li the more you’re sharing and almost none of this will protect you from government.

Does Safari allow push notifications?

Yes, Safari allow push notification The only the best bet is is to look at endtoend encrypted um tools like signal rather than using um tex messages which uh have quite a good level of encryption.

Apple Google users through push notifications
Does Safari allow push notifications?

So one can only hope to get you know do not share your personal address at least to begin with social media websites and of course you. Also mentioned release of iOS 16, and use push notification you can switch off your notifications But there again it it is limited when it’s the government.

Which is uh which has an eye on these servers which it is whatever you do governments use what they call zero day vulnerabilities in other words known flaws in devices.

That haven’t gone public and uh and they keep them very secret uh Apple Google users through push notifications and they can they basically allow them to take over a phone completely.

What is a push notification on iPhone?

So however much information if the information is in the phone and Apple Google users through push notifications if if a nation state wants to get inside your phone it doesn’t matter whether.

You’ve got there’s little you can do exactly all right we’re right out Apple Google users through push notifications of time as of now Adrian so thank you so much for joining us and sharing.

All your insights on this that was Adrien Mass get these constant alerts on your phone throughout the day well you know it is a setting.

Which I’ve always kept on you know it’s it’s it does not get me any of these notifications but I think there is a larger concern here because these constant alerts.

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Why are they called push notifications?

That you get on your phones might be leading push notification is very simple and easy to a privacy nightmare absolutely notifications you receive from Tech platforms have been helping governments.

Keep an eye on what you’ve been doing on your apps now there are big Apple Google users through push notifications privacy concerns here for Google and Apple users so if you use a Google something.

That you must take note of because governments might have been spying on Google and Apple users through notifications according to us Senator Ron weiden both foreign and US Apple and Google.

Data related to Notifications to keep tabs on smartphone users the government can use the information for tasks like tracking specific Apple or Google accounts. So how do the companies get your data just through notifications Raa take them to it yes Shin that’s the big question.

 here well the alerts you get on your phone a notification telling you your favorite football team won a game go through Google and apple servers.

Who sends push notifications?

mobile app platform easy push notifications This gives these companies a special view of app helps the governments watch how people have been using specific apps now Apple responded to the update saying.

Apple Google users through push notifications
Who sends push notifications?

That the federal government prohibited OSPNS’s enabled and use push notifications us prohibited us from sharing any information now that this method has become public we are updating.

Our transparency report to detail these kinds Apple Google users through push notifications of requests that’s of course a quote and quote from Apple and apple further added.

They will share more details about how the governments Apple Google users through push notifications have checked push notifications now that the senator Wen has made the information.

Public Senator Wen uh has also asked the US Department of Justice Apple Google users through push notifications to change any rules limiting talk about this kind of spying.

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