The better time to pay credit card bill 2024 March

best time to pay credit card bill, Pay your credit card so that your credit score stays at the highest peak possible all the time I was 27 years old when I got my first credit card.

This Capital 1 Platinum secured credit card it was one of the worst credit cards to possibly get but I didn’t know any better I got my first actual statement in the mail.

best time to pay credit card bill, I had no clue what any of it meant I figure out how to pay my credit card properly well on today’s episode I’m going to teach you exactly.

What I have taught thousands of my clients on how to pay their credit card properly so they can really truly take control of their credit score.

What is the best schedule to pay credit card?

The Best Schedule- “credit card balance is 15 days before” So you’re not going to want to miss one minute welcome back to the channel I’m Mike the credit guy I’m the we created the most advanced DIY credit management system.

best time to pay credit card bill
What is the best schedule to pay credit card?

best time to pay credit card bill The industry our system allows you to take control of your credit creating custom Metro to attack letters every single round never using templates for only $55.99 a month.

Always going to be in the description, best time to pay credit card bill now let’s get into this video I keep this credit card at my desk at all times to remind me.

Where I came absolutely nothing to come to a crazy point, best time to pay credit card bill to be here with this many credit cards now this isn’t a flex but it’s it’s actually to show.

You that I really do actually, best time to pay credit card bill live this credit card life this is something that I do and I’ve taught it to thousands of my clients so let’s start.

What is the 15 3 rule for credit cards? best time to pay credit card bill

At the very beginning once you get your credit card is “one payment 15 days before” you have no idea what to do so there are three dates that are the only dates.

best time to pay credit card bill
What is the 15 3 rule for credit cards?

That I want you to focus on we’re not going to throw all kinds of craziness at you to try to confuse you no only three big dates are the only dates that matter.

The three most important dates that you need to know and you need to write this down your due date is number one number two is your statement closing date and number.

  • Three is your report date now I’m going to walk you through, best time to pay credit card bill each one these and what they signify so that way it’s not too confusing.
  • I’m going to make it very simple so you can take control, best time to pay credit card bill of your credit score number one is super important your due date you need to make sure.

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Is paying credit card early good or bad?

That any credit card Paying is a good you have is set to make an auto payment every single month because you do not want to to get a late payment and also make sure.

best time to pay credit card bill
Is paying credit card early good or bad?

That you have it set to an a draft out of your checking or your savings whatever works best for you but making sure that it’s done directly to an actual account and not a debit account.

A Debit card you don’t want it set to a debit card because if your debit card is compromising have to cancel the card then guess what you’re going to forge.

Then the card’s not going to actually go through, best time to pay credit card bill to make thep ayment and you’re going to get a late payment so you want to make sure.

What is a good credit score?

The Good Paying Score is a 670 to 739 You got it set to a draft out of your checking or your savings to make sure you never get a a late payment because one late payment can drop.

Your credit score 60 to 120 points now also be aware I’m going good score allowed  good; 740 to 799  to cover exactly how much you should pay off every month so don’t worry.

best time to pay credit card bill
What is a good credit score?

 I’m going to cover that closer to the end because there’s a little bit more detail that needs to go into that but number two is very important that is your statement

Closing date I’m going to put up actual statement here up on the screen so you can see exactly what I’m referring to so this is a Capital One statement.

Is it better to pay credit card in full or slowly?

pay credit card is a Good Now look at the little circle the little circle is going to represent your due date so we already know their due date is the February 16th.

  • Now you look at the little square box you’re your balance is full is a good going to see two dates in that square box the first date says December 23rd.

That is your beginning statement dates or your opening, best time to pay credit card bill date we don’t really care about that date let’s not focus on that date we want.

The second date January 22nd is our closing dates otherwise known as, best time to pay credit card bill your ending date that is the most important date to know because.

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Is paying credit card daily good?

“Yes Good” paying credit card daily good This is what truly controls the interest rate now what we want to do is we want to pay off our credit card two days before our statement closing date so mine is the 22nd.

best time to pay credit card bill
Is paying credit card daily good?

So I want to pay it off on the 20th so I have at least one to two business days, making multiple payments easy payment in credit card for the payment to actually clear last part is the most important.

 I also heard that Capital One is going to be sending out digital statements, best time to pay credit card bill that are going to have a like button no I’m just kidding.

  • We cannot do it without you now you’ve given yourself the two-day, best time to pay credit card bill window and now your statement closing date hits.
  • So now it’s the 22nd stop you want to stop everything you’re doing best time to pay credit card bill and do not use the credit card for up to seven days this is the secret sauce.

Can I pay with 2 credit cards?

To the allowed  merchants 2 credit card This is what controls your utilization so you not using the card for up to seven days now you’re going to allow the credit card to report zero balance easy of payment.

best time to pay credit card bill
Can I pay with 2 credit cards?

Now it’s okay for it to report zero balance don’t believe anyone out there that tells you oh if you let it report zero balance it’s going to show that you’re not using the card that is 100%.

Now I’m going to cover that in a few minutes but I want you to understand give yourself a 7-Day window to not use the card because the credit card companies.

Have three to 7 days to bureaus so this is truly taking control of your credit score you’re going best time to pay credit card bill control exactly what reports to the credit reporting agencies.

That’s going to control your credit score this is they pay off their credit card and then they go use the credit card within that window.

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What happens if I pay my credit card early?

Pay credit card is “could help your credit score” Now you’re putting an actual balance on your credit card and you are in fact going to pay interest on that little small balance or big balance.

 This is why people go crazy like why is my score going up and down best time to pay credit card bill because you truly have not controller.

Your credit score now you’ve trulylearned how to pay your credit card now here’s the big question should I leave a balance should I not leave a balance well I’m going to tell you the full truth we’re going to put up an actual slide directly from FICO you want to

Make sure that you keep your utilization below 9% at all times not 30% like you see everywhere that they’re telling you the moment you cross the threshold of 9% utilization.

You start to truly lose a lot of points but there’s two sweet spots before that 0 to 1% and then 1 to 6% don’t believe me don’t you worry I bring proof I’m not supposed to show.

Can I pay my credit card after 5pm?

Your Credit Card Payment Schedule is 24 Hour You these slides these are directly from FICO now they actually present these but there was one year I got a hold of them and guess.

best time to pay credit card bill
Can I pay my credit card after 5pm?

What I’m keeping them by Payment schedule is mostly error is payment recive received by 5 p.m my side but here is the slide that shows you exactly how many points that you can get based on your utilization.

Which is your balances that are reported so as you can see best time to pay credit card bill I put it in a little square red box right there 0% is going to get you a total of 55 points.

Now it doesn’t say that you’re not going to get any points you’re going to get 55 points now if you report one to 6% utilization you’re going to get 65 points.

Now if you see there’s a little asteris right next to it so there’s it’s only a 10-point difference the box number represents the maximum points possible minus.

Why only use 30 of a credit card?

Yes, increasing your credit score The actual points that you were already given so you may not get 10 points you may have already been given the 10 points.

You may only get one point three points five points but a maximum is 10 points but everyone’s credit profile is different so.

best time to pay credit card bill
Why only use 30 of a credit card?

All those people out there saying that you’re going to get best time to pay credit card bill more points if you carry balance there is a little bit of truth to it but we don’t know how many points.

You’re going to get but as you can see on the little chart it’s a maximum of possibly 10 extra points but as you can see when you go from 7 to 19% utilization.

You’re going to lose 15 points the higher the balances that report from your best time to pay credit card bill credit cards the more points you’re going to lose I also really want you.

What is the maximum time to pay credit card bill?

Time Period is Payment  20-25 days, Understand that it doesn’t matter how much of your credit card that you use in fact it’s okay to use as much as you want but if you pay it off in full that’s going to help your credit score,  the payment due date..

Every single month and a lot of people believe that you got to stay below you know best time to pay credit card bill 30% utilization no remember you are controlling.

The balances that report by paying it off and full buy your statement closing date best time to pay credit card bill now guess what now you’re pausing and you’re not using the card for up to 7 days.

You’re truly taking control of your credit score so if something happens and you have to buy something for your home your car breaks down you need to repair you need to carry a balance.

You’re not freaking out and you understand fully how to take control of your credit score right best time to pay credit card bill now but once I pay that credit card off.

Guess what my score goes right back up so there you have it ladies and gentlemen we covered exactly how to pay your credit card and how to take control of your credit score.

What are the 5 C’s of credit?

best time to pay credit card bill
What are the 5 C’s of credit?

We also busted the myth should I carry balance 5 Cs of credit haracter, capital, capacity, collateral, and conditions should I not carry balance you shouldn’t be carrying a balance right now because interest rates.

An all-time high and even carrying $5 or $10 is going to cost you money best time to pay credit card bill that you can be saving in your pocket so I hope you enjoyed.

If there’s anything else specific you want me to talk about drop it in the best time to pay credit card bill comment section drop some emojis in there so we can get this article  going so more people.

Can learn how to pay their credit card off properly and I cannot thank you enough because it’s all about you our community we cannot do it without you so thank you for watching now make sure that you.

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