What is the latest iOS 17.4 RC version new?

Latest iOS 17.4 RC version: What’s up guys my name is Brandon and today Apple released the RC or release candidate version of iOS and iPad OS 17.4 to both register developers and to public beta testers.

Now along with this release we also got watchos 10.4 beta 5 Mac osoma 14.4 beta 5 tbos 17.4 beta 5 and also Vision OS 1.1 beta 4 now for older devices latest iOS 17.4 RC version.

We did also get iOS and iPad OS 16.7 point6 RC and iOS and iPad OS 15.8 point2 RC but of course in this article we’re write all about iOS and iPad OS 17.4 RC.

Size, Build Number

Size, Build Number
Size, Build Number

So you can see the size came in at 6.46 GB on my 15 Pro Max and that size is only large because we’re going from a beta to a final release.

Which the RC is typically the final release the same version same build number that everybody will get in the public next week latest iOS 17.4 RC version.

So that is why the size is large if you’re coming from 17.31 and going to 17.4 you’re not going to see a 6 gbyte file next week but anyways.

Let’s look at the new build number for this iOS 17.4 RC so it’s 21e 217 and if we go back and check out the modem firmware that is 1. 155.0 4 all right.

What’s New in iOS 17.4 RC

What's New in iOS 17.4 RC
What’s New in iOS 17.4 RC

So now what’s new here in iOS 17.4 RC now I’m going to focus on on different features and changes that we did not already cover.

Beforehand so if you want to see every single new feature and change in iOS 17.4 that will be in my official latest iOS 17.4 RC version.

When 17.4 releases to the general public so as usual Apple released a big log of release notes Here 4 17.4 and there were a few things in there that were not covered beforehand.

So the first thing I want to write about is this one right here where it says music recognition lets you to add songs you are identify to our Apple musiLibrary playlists & Library as well latest iOS 17.4 RC version.

As a Apple music classical so if we go into our Control Center and go to our music recognition toggle right there the Shazam one.

We’re going to tap and hold to see our history so these were all the songs that I you know heard and I wanted to know the name of it so we have this one right here.

That I just did for this test and you can see that now it shows not only Apple music which it showed that beforehand latest iOS 17.4 RC version.

We also have this add to button and now when you tap on that you will have to you know give uh Shazam access to your Apple music account.

You can see you can automatically add songs to a specific playlist after you identify them with music recognition which is pretty cool and of course.

This does also work for Apple music classical as well if you maybe you know played a classical song that’s available in that application this updates also includes.

The change to call identification so it now displays Apple Company verified the business name logo and Department name when available.

There’s also some additional context surrounding the change in settings messages and then down here near the bottom we have messages for business.

There’s some new context around this so Apple says business updates and messages for business provides trusted information for orders status flight to the notifications alerts and other the transactions.

You opt into there’s also a bug fix for the find my widget so it now shows the contact picture whereas before on 17.3 and 17.31 that would be blank like 50 to 60% of the time.

There’s also a fix for dual SIM users Person where the phone number changes from Minnor to secondary and is visible to a group they have messaged.

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Other New Changes

Other New Changes
Other New Changes

Now there’s also a change to one of the big changes in the settings so if you go into your settings on an iPhone 15 or 15 Pro device and go into battery.

We now have battery health and it shows normal right here before you even go into a section whereas before you would have to click into there to see your maximum capacity.

Now that’s not what’s new here that was in previous betas of 17.4 what’s new is that when you go under battery health and tap on the about battery and warranty section latest iOS 17.4 RC version.

That text is now larger than it was on beta 4 so you can see beta 4 on the left beta 5 on the right so it looks like some formatting changes and also some change to the font size.

Also the first time I opened up the music application I got this splash screen that says what’s new in apple music and it shows monthly replay and listen.

Now is now home so what that’s write a about is on the little tab bar down here in the bottom it now says home instead of listen latest iOS 17.4 RC version.

Now and that’s also across other applications like podcasts as well as you can see down here there’s also new Emoji in iOS 17.4 and apple describes.

What these are specifically in the release notes which is pretty interesting so they say new mushroom Phoenix lime broken chain and shaking heads Emoji along with 18 people and body emoji emoji.

Which we’ve already showed but these are what the new Emoji look like in 17.4 also mentioned is that Apple podcast transcriptions are also available for accessibility.

So you can change the text size increase contrast and have voice over for podcast transcriptions which if you don’t know what that is if you’ve not been following the betas.

If you go into one of your podcasts you can see down in the bottom left now on the now playing screen you have a new lyrics icon.

Which will open up the transcriptions and it Act just as lyrics do in apple music so it goes along with the voice so you can see it goes along in real time with the voice of the podcast.

You could also tap here you could search the transcript or you could also tap on the top right to go to the three dots and then go to view transcript.

Other New Changes
Other New Changes

You can see the entire thing outlined right here but unfortunately Apple did not fix the clunky animation when you tap to search in the podcast latest iOS 17.4 RC version.

You can see that has that really clunky slow animation there so I’ll show you one more time it take a look right here it kind of drops down so this might be the new notification center bug.

No Indicators latest iOS 17.4 RC version

No Indicators latest iOS 17.4 RC version
No Indicators latest iOS 17.4 RC version

That never gets fixed for you know a year so hopefully Apple fixes that in the next version also I did want to point out that there are no indicators of the new iMessage.

Encryption enhancements with 17.4 here in the RC release they’re just all on the back end which if you don’t know latest iOS 17.4 RC version.

What I’m talking about just go back and watch my Apple weekly episode from Saturday also if you go into your settings and into privacy and security latest iOS 17.4 RC version.

We still have not seen the return of the N f c section that was here in the privacy and security section in beta 1 so for some reason that was never added back to iOS 17.4 but we do have pass Keys access for web browsers.

That’s new in 17.4 that remained until the final release anyways moving on to the release notes here there’s only two new features that have been added to the release notes going from beta 4 to the RC.

This is Still Missing

This is Still Missing
This is Still Missing

So no bug fixes just some changes here some additions and you can see the first one has to do with Siri so it says Siri can respond in a combination of English and Hindi depending on the primary language.

You use to interact with Siri and then there’s also a new feature under gestures and reactions for developers latest iOS 17.4 RC version.

Now as far as the performance goes here on iOS 17.4 the RC release it feels great I mean I’ve really had no issues yet of course it’s only been about an hour and a half since I installed.

Release Notes

Release Notes
Release Notes

The software but still no issues that of note you know at least not yet I will give you guys an update in my app week episode on Saturday if anything changes latest iOS 17.4 RC version.

Performance & Battery Life

Performance & Battery Life
Performance & Battery Life

And same goes with battery life you guys will have to tell me what I started this article with but it seems like battery life is holding up great here.

I really started noticing that with beta 4 latest iOS 17.4 RC version so I would assume that iOS 17.4 battery life in general will be better than 17.3 and 17.31.

At least from my experience which I have been using it on my main device as well so I have pretty good experience with 17.4 and it seems to be better.

Now I I just realized I forgot to show the geekbench scores here for iOS 17.4 RC so you can see 2951 on the single core 7299 on the multicore.

So we can see how that compares to the previous build which was beta 4 and it does have a higher single core but a very slightly lower multicore score.

So take these all with a grain of salt it’s not really indicative of dayto day usage but it is always interesting to log these all right latest iOS 17.4 RC version.

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iOS 17.4 Final Release Date

iOS 17.4 Final Release Date
iOS 17.4 Final Release Date

So now let’s write about what to expect next from Apple so next up is going to be the final release of iOS 17.4 and I would expect to see.

That next week most likely on Monday March 4th now it could potentially go until Tuesday or Wednesday but I highly doubt.

It Apple typically releases final versions of software on Mondays latest iOS 17.4 RC version so we should see that on Monday March 4th around the same time as usual.

Now we could also see the first betas of iOS 17.5 go out next week as well so Apple typically releases the next versions betas pretty much latest iOS 17.4 RC version.

The day after or that same week of the final release so we should see 17.5 beta 1 next week but it could also be pushed until the week following.

Why Beta 5 instead of RC?

Why Beta 5 instead of RC
Why Beta 5 instead of RC?

You really never know with apple these days and I do also want to touch on the other versions that got released today because if you noticed in the beginning.

We only got the RC version for iOS and iPad OS so watch OS Mac OS and tvos are not on the RCs verion yet latest iOS 17.4 RC version.

So that means that either they’re going to be released later this week or they’re just going to be released after the iOS and iPad OS updates.

Which I think that’s less likely latest iOS 17.4 RC version but it seems like we might be seeing the RC version for watch OS Mac OS and tvos later.

Closing Thoughts

Latest iOS 17.4 RC version This week I don’t necessarily think that this means we’re going to get an rc2 for iOS 17.4 I mean it’s not out of the question it is possible but I don’t think that that is Apple’s plan right.

Now I think they’re just going to release those at a later time because once again if you forgot Apple is you know abiding by EU law they have to have 17.4 out by next week.

Because of the whole side loing issue so that’s why apple is in a hurry to release iOS 17.4 and not necessarily watch OS Mac OS latest iOS 17.4 RC version.

So we’ll have to wait and see of course make sure to follow me over on X or Twitter for the latest on these software releases but anyways that is IOS 17.4 the RC version.

Make sure to stay tuned for my final release article that’s coming next week when 17.4 is released latest iOS 17.4 RC version.

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