Bad news for Zen 5 X3D ! Intel Diches Hyper Threading

You’re having an amazing day 2024 Zen 5 X3D is certainly going to be an amazing year for processors for the PC but if you’re looking to upgrade to the Zen 5x 3D variant.

Zen 5 X3D Well there could be a little bit of bad news and we’re going to get into the release date information regarding that in just a moment but we’re also going to talk about Intel couple of rumors.

That have been floating Zen 5 X3D around for a while and I want to try to them concerning arror Lake regarding not only hyper threading but also the rentable units.

Should I enable Intel hyperthreading? Zen 5 X3D

Should I enable Intel hyperthreading? Zen 5 X3D
Should I enable Intel hyperthreading?

That continuously are attributed to Arrow Lake but I also want to mention real quick that I am dealing unfortunately with a bit of cold at the moment it’s the reason I’m not on camera so.

If my voice cracks a little bit Zen 5 X3D or just sounds kind of well nasy uh sorry but yeah there it is so anyway later this year we’re of course expecting ryzen 9000.

Or whatever the processors end Zen 5 X3D up being called to launch the rumor is that it probably is going to be between April or June I’ve heard from multiple people.

That an April announcement a possible Zen 5 X3D release is seemingly going to be what happens but of course ultimately AMD could decide to postpone things.

The information could be incorrect but these processes are going to be very performant indeed there seems to be on average around a 10 to 15% IPC Improvement I’m going to go more in the not too.

Does Ryzen 5 support hyperthreading?

Does Ryzen 5 support hyperthreading?
Does Ryzen 5 support hyperthreading?

Distant future but ultimately of course we are looking from a groundup redesign here and that is according to AMD themselves and there are a plethora of architectural changes.

That are going to be present on these next Generation cores Zen 6 meanwhile is going to be a much smaller upgrade in terms of IPC but improvements basically in terms of IO.

And bandwidth and also improvements of course as you would probably expect in things like clock free frequency but getting to the news itself according to Kepler L2 on Twitter.

We will see CS 2025 being the debut for the x3d variants so Zen 5 X3D this honestly to me makes an awful lot of sense and it does match up I believe with what um I’ve said that I kind of suspect.

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Does Ryzen 5 support hyperthreading?

Does Ryzen 5 support hyperthreading?
Does Ryzen 5 support hyperthreading?

It’s going to be a very similar time frame between um the x3d variance and the vanilla variance is what we’ve seen from multiple Generations now from AMD ultimately speaking there is a rumor that AR Lake.

Zen 5 X3D Will also see a refresh of sorts and the refresh from Arrow lake is going to basically be doubling the number of efficiency course now honestly.

I’m still somewhat skeptical whether Zen 5 X3D that’s going to happen or not because I keep hearing different things some people are saying.

It’s definitely going to launch obiously saying no Intel have scrapped the plans um so who knows on that but what I will say is that I think the x3d variants are going to be very interesting to compare against.

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What is better than hyperthreading?

The vanilla because of course one of the things we do know is that the IOD essentially has parity between zen4 and Zen 5 what this basically means is there are going to be some situations.

Zen 5 X3D Where Zen 5 is going to be pretty bandwidth constraint now obviously that’s not going to be across all applications.

Zen 5 X3D But if you’re doing some really memory bad with intensive stuff you know across multiple processor cores 16 cores basically really pummeling.

The thread count then I suspect that there could be some issues I have mentioned in a few videos at this stage that a lot of my sources are essentially telling me.

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Which processor does not support hyperthreading?
Which processor does not support hyperthreading?

That the x3d variance of Zen 4 Zen 5 X3D will actually lose the vanilla variance of Zen 5 when it comes to gaming of course there are always outliers.

I probably suspect that you can name a few which really do do love um the x3d cache like I think it’s Microsoft flight simulator is one of them please correct me.

If I’m wrong in the comments below let me know a couple of applications because maybe I can use them to test things out but yes generally speaking.

As you know as a general rule obviously there are always exceptions but I think the x3d variants of Zen 4 are probably going to be less performant of course.

Than Zen 5 but that’s come somewhat to be expected Zen 5 um sorry Zen 4 excuse me as most of you know I only had a pretty modest IPC uplift but the majority of the performance upgrades.

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Does Ryzen 5 3500 have hyperthreading?
Does Ryzen 5 3500 have hyperthreading?

Were of course down to clock frequency Zen 5 X3D but now I want to switch your focus to Intel again I want to cast your minds back to a video that I did a few days ago.

Zen 5 X3D If you didn’t check that out well I’ll try to remember to leave a link to it in the video description but we talked a lot about the PCH of Intel’s Arrow Lake.

Which is known as meteor Lake p PCH because basically they’re one and the same and the pchs are basically shared and there were also some other details.

That were actually mentioned in this document now you can see here that the pre-alpha aake CPU is configured in BIOS to turnoff performance sces.

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Does turning off hyperthreading save battery?
Does turning off hyperthreading save battery?

Now I did cover this as I mentioned a moment ago in a video from a couple of days ago however for some reason this has started to come back into the news again as as well as rumors concerning.

The rentable units so I just want to talk about this part I’m going to blaze through it with speed well maybe not speed but uh I’ll get through it as quickly.

As possible so you can see the configuration here says 8 + 16 + 1 and then 8 I a cores sl8 Freds and those are disabled in the Bios and you can see why um in the little note.

You above basically it’s bked this of course will be fixed with final revision silicon but currently the performance Calles are essentially not doing so well.

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Now obviously a lot of folks are immediately saying well that probably means that hyperring is disabled and yeah I mean this is not new information.

We’ve been somewhat reporting this for a while obviously until it it’s officially confirmed by Intel in a release it is a rumor however this rumor has been really persistent.

It has been you know one of the earliest rumors I think that there would be some changes I also want to give credit just real quick to Uki ANS.

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